Step by Step

How It Works


Create an Account

Visit our website and create a user account to get started. Provide the necessary information to set up your account securely.


Select a County Subscription

Choose the county you wish to subscribe to from the available options. We offer comprehensive foreclosure property information for various counties.


Pricing Based on Population

The subscription price is determined by the population size of the selected county. Our pricing structure ensures fairness and transparency.


Payment and Confirmation

Proceed with the payment process to activate your subscription. Once the payment is confirmed, new subscribers will gain immediate access to the foreclosure property listings for the chosen county by downloading it.


Updated Listings

We strive to provide the most up-to-date information. Your subscription will be regularly updated between 18-16 days before the scheduled foreclosure sale date. This allows you ample time to evaluate and pursue potential investment opportunities. The list is ordered by file number and/or by address.


Access for Existing Subscribers

Existing subscribers will receive the updated foreclosure property listings for their chosen county by email the following morning after the list is uploaded. The email will contain the downloadable link for the updated list.


Explore Foreclosure Listings

Access the comprehensive foreclosure property listings for your subscribed county. Review detailed property information, including descriptions, photos, foreclosure status, and any additional relevant data provided.


Evaluate and Make Informed Decisions

Analyze the provided property information, perform due diligence, and make well-informed investment decisions based on the available details. Conduct additional research or site visits as needed.


Seize Lucrative Investment Opportunities

With our comprehensive and timely foreclosure property information, you'll be equipped to identify lucrative investment opportunities before they hit the market. Take advantage of this competitive edge to secure the best deals and maximize your returns.

Example Photos of Foreclosure Property Listings:

A list of all the properties that are scheduled to sell at the following auction. Ordered by file number on the different sheets within the main Excel spreadsheet.

This is one of the properties. The address is linked to Zillow and the link for the appraisal district is included as well.

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